Certification Pricing

Certification Pricing Model Highlights
  • Same pricing for certification submissions and certification support requests.*
  • Same pricing across all certification programs.*
  • Equivalency, compatibility requests, and standalone VIB signing are free of charge.
  • Annual subscription model with volume discounts.
  • A la carte purchases are available for greater flexibility.
  • Entitlements can be purchased from VMware Store or by purchase order (P.O.).
  • An entitlement dashboard allowing you to track your entitlement usage across programs is available in VMware Integration Validation (VIVa).
* if applicable. Some certification programs require entitlements for certification submissions or certification support requests, both, or none.

Pricing Tiers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I assign entitlements to a specific user or a specific CR project?

No. Entitlements are available to all users of various CR projects within a company.

Do entitlements have expiration dates?

Yes, entitlements expire 12 months from their purchase date.

Can I track the usage of entitlements?

Yes. An Entitlement dashboard is available in VMware Integration Validation (VIVa). It lets you track the use of entitlements by CR project as well as by usage type (cert submission, cert support request, equivalency & compatibility request. Here is an example:
If you have any questions regarding this new pricing model, please reach out to us at [email protected]
